Membership & Certification


Professional members have provided copies of their highest academic degree (the minimum requirement being a Master’s degree or an active CPA license), a listing of related licenses and certifications, an updated Curriculum Vitae, and detailed information (within their CV or in a separate Rule 26 listing) of at least 3 years of professional service in providing assessment and testimony in forensic vocational and/or forensic economic (financial) areas of expertise.


Earnings Analyst members are Professional members who have successfully completed AREA’s certification exam which consists of a case analysis. Additionally, they have submitted an official transcript from the college/university where they received their highest degree; a copy of lesser degree(s) earned; three letters of recommendation from attorneys or judges; and proof of at least one vocational certification, (if not an economic or financial consultant).


Certified Earnings Analyst members are Professional members who have successfully completed AREA’s certification exam which includes a case analysis. Additionally, they have submitted an official transcript from the college/university where they received their highest degree; a copy of lesser degree(s) earned; three letters of recommendation from attorneys or judges; two forensic work products used at trial (including one deposition transcript demonstrating wage loss proficiency and present value calculations); and proof of at least one vocational certification, (if not an economic or financial consultant).

Members certified prior to 8/1/94 are listed as CREs, signifying their Certification in Rehabilitation Economics. Those certified after 8/1/94 are listed as CEAs, or Certified Earnings Analysts. Members certified prior to 1994 have obtained the CEA designation by taking a supplementary exam, as well as meeting all of the above criteria.

As of 10/15/24, those holding a CEA and/or CRE can renew their AREA credential status at three-year intervals from the date of their initial certification. Two renewal options are offered:

Option 1:  Documentation of 45 clock hours of approved continuing education, including attendance of at least 50% of one AREA Conference and a one-day AREA Boot Camp every three years, and adherence to the Code of Ethics and Rules of Professional Conduct of AREA.

Option 2:  Re-examination and adherence to the Code of Ethics of AREA and Rules of Professional Conduct.

Upon written request, CEAs and CREs may ask for a one-time one-year extension of this requirement for a charge of $100.


Registered members are Professional members who have testified at least twice in a judicial proceeding related to disability matters in either Social Security, Workers’ Compensation, Municipal, Superior or Federal Court. They have also submitted two letters of reference from attorneys or judges asserting competency of testimony; official transcripts of their related degree(s); two work products; and at least one vocational certification if they are not an economic or financial consultant.

Members in this classification are listed as either Registered Forensic Economists (RFEs) or Forensic Vocational Experts (FVEs), depending upon their primary area of specialization.


Associate members have provided copies of their highest academic degree(s), related licenses/certifications, and curriculum vitae, documenting any professional experience related to vocational rehabilitation, forensic vocational and/or forensic economic assessment and testimony.


Student members have provided copies of their highest academic degree(s), related licenses/certifications, DATED proof of their current student enrollment (i.e., photo I.D., letter from a professor, copy of their transcripts), and a curriculum vitae or resumé, documenting any professional experience related to vocational rehabilitation, forensic vocational and/or economic assessment and testimony.

NOTE:  Membership status is subject to Annual Renewal, including a signed Statement of Adherence to Ethical Principles. The Statement pledges that the Member will accept appropriate consulting assignments, provide truthful statements, be impartial and maintain current knowledge of his/her field when making evaluations and offering testimony associated with forensic litigation.

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Click here to view our current MEMBERSHIP ROSTER.